Wednesday, May 8, 2013

book review: Häkel-Lust

I received a copy of Marion Madel's Häkel-Lust* (translated means something along the lines of "crochet mood" or "in the mood to crochet") from my husband for my birthday this past weekend and thought I would share a little review with you all. 

The book's tag line is In 25 Schritten von der Anfängerin zum Häkelprofi (25 Steps from Beginner to Professional), and it takes you all the way from learning about materials, to the basic stitches, to crocheting in the round. It's in German, but thankfully there are step-by-step photos for most of the projects so I should be fine. The projects are beautiful. I haven't been crocheting for very long- at least not successfully...but there are plenty of wonderful projects for every skill level. Sadly, I don't have a ton of time right now for personal projects but I have so many new ideas to add to my list! Hopefully it won't be too long before I can get to them. 

(Previously I have been absolutely certain that I do and always will prefer knitting to crochet, but now I'm just not so sure...)

(here's a closer look at the title just in case anyone is interested in picking up a copy!)

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